Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Alat Media Kalibrasi Tachometer Terhadap Kecepatan Motor dan Perhitungan BEP (Break Event Point) PT. XYZ
Kata Kunci:
Tachometer, Kalibrasi, BEP ( Break Even Point )Abstrak
Every company has standards to ensure the quality of its products. One of the important processes in product
assurance at PT. XYZ is the calibration process. This calibration process involves manufacturing and testing the
product, especially calibrating motor speed using a Tachometer. However, due to the long preparation time for
the calibration process, an in-house solution was required. Fishbone analysis shows that the main cause of the
long calibration preparation time is because the installation and preparation of components takes time. Therefore,
a Tachometer Calibration Tool was designed which includes a control system and BEP (Break Even Point)
calculation to determine the break-even point for the cost of making the tool compared to the cost of external
calibration. After that, trials were carried out to assess the motor speed control system and determine the cost
break-even point. Test results show that the control system functions well and is able to determine the break-even
time, thereby reducing the need for external calibration and associated costs.

Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Jurnal Instrumentasi dan Teknologi Informasi (JITI)

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