Perancangan Unified Modelling Language Sistem Informasi Surat Jalan dan Lembaran Permintaan Perbaikan Berbasis Website
Kata Kunci:
Uml, Monitoring and Control, surat jalan, Lembaran Permintaan PerbaikanAbstrak
PT Ban Indonesia faces challenges in managing surat jalan and Lembaran Permintaan Perbaikan (LPP) in the
spare parts warehouse, which are crucial for the smooth operation of production machinery. The repetitive and
non-integrated management processes result in inefficiency and potential errors. This study designs a Unified
Modelling Language (UML) for a web-based information system. The design uses four types of UML diagrams:
use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, and class diagram. Tools used include a laptop and the software for UML diagram creation. The study's findings indicate that the designed UML facilitates the
development of a web-based delivery order and Repair Request Sheets information system. The use case diagram
is used to describe the system's functionality and the interaction between actors and the system. The activity
diagram illustrates the concept of data or control flow, as well as well-structured actions designed within a system.
The sequence diagram depicts the collaboration between objects interacting within elements of a class. The class
diagram shows the relationships between classes, including the attributes and functions of an object..

Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Jurnal Instrumentasi dan Teknologi Informasi (JITI)

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