Rancang Bangun Prototype Sistem Monitoring Tekanan Air Pada Header Berbasis Internet of Things


  • Faris Fadhil Rosyid
  • Anis Choirunnisa

Kata Kunci:

Monitoring, Pressure Transducer, Water Flow, NodeMCU ESP8266, Iot


A water pump machine is used to generate pressurized water in the production process at PT. BIN with a standard
pressure of 0.45 MPa to 0.5 MPa. On average, 3 out of 6 pump machines are used to achieve this pressure. To
ensure the water pressure meets the standard, manual monitoring and recording are conducted every hour.
During water pressure monitoring, the operator has to walk approximately 75 meters from the powerhouse office,
resulting in a lengthy process. Furthermore, when the pressure drops below 0.45 MPa, the operator has to
manually activate the backup machine. Therefore, a water pressure monitoring system will be designed and built
to facilitate the operator in monitoring and recording. The study is conducted using a pressure transducer sensor
to measure water pressure and a water flow sensor to measure water flow rate. Data from these sensors will be
processed using an Arduino Nano microcontroller, then sent to a NodeMCU ESP8266 to be integrated with the
Blynk platform for monitoring, and Firebase as a data transit point, where the data will eventually be stored in
Google Spreadsheets. The results show an accuracy of 99.27% for the pressure transducer sensor readings and
97.31% for the YF-S201 water flow sensor readings.




