Rancang Bangun Kerangka Dudukan Panel dan Perhitungan Daya Motor
Kata Kunci:
Drum Test, Tachometer, Calibration, Factor of Safety, Mounting FrameAbstrak
The vehicle industry is rapidly advancing, making it a crucial part of daily life. PT. XYZ in Tangerang, Indonesia,
specializes in the production of truck and bus tires at Plant A, which involves several stages of manufacturing
and quality checks using the Drum Test to assess tire durability under specific conditions. With 10 Drum Test
machines that have different specifications, particularly in terms of motor speed (RPM), the Master Tachometer
is used to ensure RPM values meet standards. However, this tool requires external calibration due to the lack of
internal calibration media. This research aims to address this issue by designing and building a panel mount
frame and calculating the required motor power, enabling more efficient and effective internal calibration. The
conclusion shows that the calibration tool, with a total mass of 25.936 kg and a Factor of Safety of 79.164,
significantly exceeds the minimum values, ensuring consistent and accurate measurement results despite being
affected by vibrations or external disturbances, thanks to precision in design and construction.

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